Blog posts of '2016' 'June'

The Science Behind Successful Web Traffic Development
In the first two posts of this four-part series, I established the foundation for arguing the importance of a world-class website and creating content published and accessible from that website that effectively caters to the interests of potential buyers. The content provided on a website must cater to potential buyers who may be at different stages of their buying "journey" and may be researching for different types of information.
Developing Successful E-commerce for Small Business
In part one of this four-part series, I laid the foundation for creating sustainable web traffic, explaining the importance of the website. It's pretty logical - if a business deploys a poor-quality website, then there's not much point in developing traffic to that site. It's also pretty logical that if an investment's been made to build and deploy a world-class website, the buy will likely be a waste of money unless there's a similar strategy to build traffic to that site.
So .... what's the web traffic development roadblock?
In this four-part series of blogs, my objective is to explain the roadblocks currently preventing small businesses from developing sustainable traffic for conducting e-commerce. In this first post in the series, I will explain the importance of a world-class website as the foundation for a small business transformation.